Dubuque Culver’s Honor Flight (thru Feb)
During the month of February when dining at Dubuque Culver’s, When a guest chooses to round up their total to the nearest dollar, the difference will be donated to Honor Flight of Dubuque and the Tri-States. You may also make a donation in the specially marked containers.
The Winter/Spring 2025 Let’s Go! Activities Guide Registration
The Let’s Go! Activities Guide is now available online. Explore programs and activities for all ages brought to you by the City’s Recreation Division, Multicultural Family Center, and Carnegie-Stout Public Library. Register online, in-person, or over the phone. Find the Guide and more information at cityofdubuque.org
Free Tax Preparation Opportunity (thru April 11)
Hawkeye Area Community Action Program is providing free, expert tax
preparation through April 11th through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program for individuals and families whose income is generally $67,000 or less. The program also offers specialized support for seniors, people with disabilities, and limited English-speaking taxpayers.Find more information at hacap.org
NICC Native Gardening Classes / Registration
Northeast Iowa Community College Business and Community Solutions is offering a new Native Gardening: 4-Part Series program at the Town Clock Business Center in Dubuque. Community members may sign up for the complete series or individual sessions. Sessions are Tuesday, February 25, Tuesday, March 11 and 25 from 6-7:30p. To learn more and to register online, visit nicc.edu or contact conted@nicc.edu or 844.642.2338, ext. 1399.
Dubuque Art on the River Applications (Feb 28)
The City of Dubuque is soliciting sculpture proposals for its 19th Art on the River public art sculpture exhibit to be held along the Mississippi Riverwalk in the Port of Dubuque from August 2025 through July 2026. Online applications are due by 11:59p on Friday, February 28. Access to the online form is at cityofdubuque.org
Hazel Green “Tunes and Booms” Calendar Raffle TIckets
Raffle Tickets in support of Hazel Green, Wisconsin’s “Tunes and Booms” Fireworks Celebration on Saturday, June 28 can be purchased at the Hazel Green Village Hall, 1610 Fairplay Street. Weekday drawings for $75 to $1000 will be held June 2 – June 27. Tickets are $50 each and winning tickets are entered back into the drawing for more chances to win.
Bluff Strokes Art Center Recurring Events
Bluff Strokes Art Center, 1201 Locust Street, has scheduled a variety of recurring Art Classes and Workshops. Find event and registration information at bluffstrokes.org
Community PEG Access Equipment Grant Applications (Due Feb 23)
The City’s Public Information Office is now accepting applications for the Community PEG Access Equipment Grant. The grant program supports the creation of video programming for the City of Dubuque’s public, educational, and governmental access channels on local cable television systems. The deadline for applications is February 23. For additional information, including eligibility and application requirements, and to apply, visit cityofdubuque.org or call (563) 690-6288.
The Fever River Puppeteers Shows
The Fever River Puppeteers present: “Jack and the Beanstalk” at the Hazel Green Opera House, 2130 Main St, Hazel Green WI. Tickets: are $5 available at the door only.
Show dates and Times:
Saturday March 1 11a & 2p
Sunday March 2 2p
Saturday March 8 11a & 2p
Sunday March 9 2p HazelGreenOperahouse
Illinois Sheriffs’ Association Scholarship Applications (Due March 14)
The Illinois Sheriffs’ Association announces that it will be awarding over $58,000 in college scholarships throughout the State of Illinois to students wishing to pursue higher education during the 2025-2026 academic year. Applications are due Friday, March 14 and are available at your local Sheriff’s office or on the ISA Website ilsheriff.org.
Bell Tower Theater Seeking Performers and Crew Members (thru March 22)
The Bell Tower Theater will hold auditions for its 12th-annual high school show Heathers the Musical: Teen Edition on Friday, March 21 from 3p-5p and Saturday, March 22 from 11a-2p at the Bell Tower Theater, 2728 Asbury Road in Dubuque.
The Bell Tower Theater is also seeking performers and crew members who are in 8th through 12th grades during the 2024-2025 school year. Those interested should come to the Bell Tower Theater on either March 21 or March 22 during the designated times. It is not necessary to make an appointment. . For further information please contact the Bell Tower Theater at 563-588-3377 or visit belltowertheater.nett.
St. Luke’s Community Free Concerts (thru March)
St. Luke’s Community Fabulous Fridays Artists Series Free Concerts are performed from 12p-12:30p at St Luke’s Church, 1199 Main Street thru March. Donations are accepted for People In Need and St. Luke’s Jesus Fund. Concerts are Lived streamed and archived at stlukesdbq.org where you can see the full schedule and weekly performers.
Jones County Central Park Nature Center Events
For information on upcoming Jones
County programs and events, visit mycountyparks.com
Dubuque Age in Place Grant Program
Older Dubuque residents interested in staying in their homes have the opportunity to apply for grant funding to help them “age in place.” The program is intended to help these residents avoid having to transition to a nursing home or other assisted care facility. Those interested in the program are encouraged to submit an interest form to begin the application process. More information including a link to submit an interest form, is available at cityofdubuque.org
American Legion Fickbohn-Hissem Post #193 Meetings
American Legion Fickbohn-Hissem Post #193 in Galena meets every third Tuesday of the month at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Building, 100 S. Main Street. Meetings are upstairs at 12p with lunch provided. All Veterans are welcome to attend. To become part of the American Legion, call (815) 281-2189 or email waltpamjohnson@yahoo.com